Welcome to the website of the City of Clarksburg, Tennessee. This is the official website for city government, and it is provided with the hope that our citizens will be able to access information of interest as well as stay abreast of official news and announcements. News, announcements, and information about events are limited to the activities affiliated with a specific function of City Hall.
If you are looking for information about the town, check out the links in "About Us". Information on our local businesses, their phone numbers and hours of operation..... go to "Local Businesses". What about genealogy or cemetery sites? Go to "Useful Links". Take a tour of the site! For water and sewer issues, go to "Utilities" and click on the appropriate link. We always welcome suggestions for improving the website as a source of information for our community as well as those outside the City. Click HERE to send us a suggestion or comment.
Howell Wayne Todd, Mayor