There are two documents which govern planning and zoning within the city. The two documents work in harmony, and to be fully informed concerning planning and zoning in the City, both documents should be consulted.

The first document is Title XIV of the Municipal Code. Title XIV can be found by going to "City Government" and then to "The City Charter and Code." It can also be found by clicking HERE.

The second document is City Ordinance No. 01-11-07. This Ordinance is referenced in Chapter 2 of Title XIV Section 14-201. Click on the links below to review the Ordinance.  Note:  These are lengthy and may take a few seconds to download as a PDF document.

Table of Contents

Chapters 1-2 (Pages 1-8)

Chapters 3-9 (Pages 9-19)

Chapters 10-11 (Pages 20-26)

Zoning applications must be submitted to City Hall, and the Mayor acts to approve/reject the request. Mayoral actions on zoning applications are included as an information item on the next City Council meeting agenda.