The following historical background was written by Mrs. J. M. (Euva) Therrell, longtime English teacher at Clarksburg, for inclusion in the sesquicentennial celebration of Carroll County in 1972. 


"The people of Clarksburg have always been interested in the education of their children.  They have rallied to the needs of the school many times.   Three times seem to stand out in the minds of most people with whom I talked.  The first need of which we have any record was in 1913 when there was a movement started to establish a high school.  The community was asked to raise $3,000.00 which was a great deal of money at that time.  The money was raised, however, and a two year high school was established.  Then four years later, this became a four year high school with W. C. Hall as the first principal.   The first graduating class was in 1920 with one graduate, Arline Joyner.  Arline is now Mrs. Leslie Robinson, and she tells me that she has attended every commencement exercise since her graduation in 1920. [Editor Note: Mrs. Robinson died in 1988,]


Then the community was called to the rescue again in 1921 when the school building burned.   Another building had to be erected, so the community got busy.  Buildings and rooms were given over to the school to be used until another building could be built.  People have seen dozens of women and children cleaning brick from the old building to be used in the new one.  In approximately one year a new building was erected, and school was as usual.   As time went on, the building deteriorated until it was finally condemned in 1954.  There was the question in the minds of some people as to whether it would be possible or even feasible to build again, but not in the minds of the people of Clarksburg and the remaining part of South Carroll County.   Parents, graduates, teachers, and students began a process of informing the community as to the need of a bond issue for an adequate building.   Needless to say, a special school district called the South Carroll Special School District was formed, the bond issue was carried, and the building was erected.  At the present writing, there is a nice building on the campus, one of which the community can be justly proud.


          Throughout the years, the school has been the center of all community activities.   It has produced a group of graduates who have such a feeling of loyalty that a strong alumni association has existed for years and has done much for the school.


          W. L. Denton was principal for twenty three years, the longest period of time any principal has been here.  His influence for good is still strong in the community."