The city of Clarksburg, or the "Burg" as the natives call it, had its beginning as a post village around the year 1850.  It was established on lands of Peter Wood and incorporated as a city with Henry McCall as its first mayor and Andy Stewart as its first marshal.  The post office was created July 8, 1847 and located at what is now Roans Creek.  The name was changed to Clarksburg on March 28, 1857 perhaps as a tribute to the first postmaster, John Kelly Clark. At first the mail came once a week and later twice a week. The street lights were oil lamps on posts which were tended by the town marshal.

The oldsters told of a time when there were five saloons and four doctors. John Kelly Clark was the first merchant.  Merchandise was hauled from Brodie's Landing on the Tennessee River.  In later years after the railroad was built through Yuma in 1892, the merchandise was hauled from Yuma in wagons.

At one time Homer Pritchard and Milton Joyner, merchants, bought five hundred rabbits at three cents each and sold them to "Aunt Ellen" for ten cents each.  "Aunt Ellen" was six feet four inches tall, lived in Huntingdon, and came in a four-horse wagon to get the rabbits.

In 1850 the city had a population of 100 with three general stores, a grist mill, and a cotton gin.   Among the first settlers were the Clarks, Johnsons, McCalls, and the Belews.

Two doctors who have had an influence in the area are Dr. Dudley S. Laws and Dr. H. D. McGill.  Dr. Laws had an extraordinary intellect and was a master of mathematical branches with a good knowledge of languages. Besides being a doctor he was trustee of Clarksburg Male and Female Academy.  Edith Laws Pendergrass was the last baby he delivered.  Dr. McGill's son-in-law, Dr. R. B. Wilson, began his practice here and later moved to Huntingdon.

Transportation in and out of Clarksburg was always a problem in the early days.  In 1939, a hard-surfaced road that gave Clarksburg an outlet was completed.  Dollar Hill has always been associated with Clarksburg.  In bad weather people always dreaded coming home because of the hill.  It was almost impossible to pull the hill in high gear, and many times it couldn't be done in low gear.  Many cars had to be pulled up Dollar Hill with mules.  People claim that they had backed up Dollar Hill because of the low quantity of gas in the car as this method made the climb easier.  Even with all the hardships it also provided a place for the young people to meet on Sunday afternoon.

Many people do not realize that the city was incorporated in its early days.  It gave up the original charter many years ago.  In 1968 a new charter was granted, and it became incorporated again with J. M. "Jim" Therrell as its mayor and Leon Bennett and Faye Maness as Aldermen.  A water system was built in the mid 1960's and a sewer system was initiated in 2000.

[Much of this information is excerpted from information prepared by Mrs. J. M. (Euva) Therrell for the Carroll County Sesquicentennial in 1972.   A more detailed and personal history of Clarksburg can be found on the following website:]

Additional research by Jerry McDaniel on the 1850 City Charter can be found HERE.