Copied from The Watchers Website http://www.the-watchers.com/Churches/Clarksburg_Baptist_Church/history.htm
"Clarksburg, Tennessee -- November 30, 1930
Members of different Baptist Churches met at Clarksburg High School building and afterwards appropriate sermon by Brother A.U. Nunnery of Parsons, Tennessee.
Formed a Council consisting of Bro. A.U. Nunnery, Bro. T.A. McArther, Bro. M.A. Haywood, Bro. Bob Smith, Bro. T.N. Taylor, Bro. J.W. Hampton and Bro. Johnnie McArthur.
1st--Motion made and seconded that Bro. A.U. Nunnery act as moderator for the council.
2nd--Motion made and seconded that brother T.N. Taylor act as clerk for the council.
3rd--Call for those who wanted to become members of the new body, when
-- Bro. Ben Johnson & wife & daughter.
-- Bro. J.R. King & wife.
-- Bro. Ed Burgess and wife.
-- Bro. Joe Jarrett and wife.
-- Sister Ethel Jowers.
-- Sister Lillie Crider.
-- Sister Lillie Carnal.
-- Bro. Freamon Taylor.
-- Bro. Arthur Kee, came forward
-- Bro. J.R. King and wife and Bro. Joe Jarrett and wife presented letters of recommendation form Sister Churches. And the rest of the following Brothers and Sisters on forthcoming letters from their respective churches. Motion made and seconded by the council that they be received and declared a body. Motion made and seconded that the council adjourn. A.U. Nunnery Moderator, T.N. Taylor, Clerk.
The body then preceded to transact other business.
1. Motion made and seconded that Bro. A.U. Nunnary become Moderator of the new body.
2. Motion made and seconded that Bro. F.N. Taylor become Clerk of the new body.
3. Way opened for members by experience and baptism, none to join.
4. Adopted the general rule of faith and practice of an organized Missionary Baptist Church.
5. Named Clarksburg Missionary Baptist Church.
6. Selected 3rd Sunday Night for meeting each month.
As there were no other business, a motion was made and seconded that we adjourn in order.
Bro. A.U. Nunnary, Moderator"
The Church meets on Sunday at 10 a.m. for Sunday School, 11:00 a.m. for Worship, and 6 p.m. for Sunday night service. Wednesday night service begins at 7:00 p.m.
The Church's Facebook page can be found here.