The Parker's Chapel Missionary Baptist Church had its beginnings in the late 1800's when a few members decided to build a church. It was determined that there were not enough men to establish a church, so it was told that they borrowed deacons from Hopewell Missionary Baptist Church in Yuma. The church was built two miles off Highway 22 in the Clarksburg community, and it was named Parker's Chapel after the oldest deacon, Abe Parker. Some of the members of the first church were Brother and Sister Abe Parker, Brother and Sister Jack Staten, Brother and Sister Sim Pearson, Brother and Sister Anita Pearson, Brother Fate Crider, Brother and Sister Elisia Williams, and all their families.
As the older members moved to other places or passed away, the Church was left in the hands of the younger generation. Brother Abe Parker had two sons one of whom was a deacon, Brother J. H. Parker and the other was a preacher, Rev. W. D. Parker. Brother Elisia Williams had two sons -- Deacons Jim and Jowels Williams. Brother Jack Staten had one son who was a deacon, John Staten.
In 1945 the Church elected Rev. C. H. Williams from Jackson as pastor, and Parker's Chapel moved to the Parker's Chapel School located across Highway 22 from the current church site. Rev. Williams resigned, and the Church elected Rev. J. C. Parker from Dyersburg as pastor. While Rev. Parker was Pastor, the church members decided to build a new church. They got together, raised money, donated their time, and the new church was built and ready for services on the fourth Sunday in March 1948. Rev. Parker, the deacons, members, and friends marched from the school to the new site singing, shouting, and praising God on the fourth Sunday in March 1948. The officers of Parker's Chapel were Bro. J. H. Parker, Bro. Tannie Owens, Bro. Graster Johnson, Bro. Ed Bailey, Bro. Jackson Staten, Bro. Edd Williams, Bro. Cladius Johnson. Alongside Rev. J. C. Parker as Pastor, Bro. Jackson Staten served as Treasurer and Sister O. B. Johnson as Clerk.
The Church has had many great men as pastors. Included in this list are Reverend(s) Parker, Hobson, Staten, Olgesby, McLinis, Tuggles, Seymour, Hines, Clark, Drummer, and Shutes. These pastors have preached the gospel so that everyone could know about Jesus, know His goodness, and see His works in the lives of mankind.
For years, this Church has stood as a beacon of light to men and women, boys and girls, pointing to the Heavenly way. And even in the midst of world turmoil, in the face of strife, and war, and at times when world ideas were crumbling the church has stood. And now when it seems that so many have turned their backs on God, Parker's Chapel Church is still holding high the banner of Jesus Christ who said "Upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."
Each year on the fourth Sunday in March, the Church celebrates its anniversary. In 2014, it was 76 years. In all these years, persecution has not crushed us, power has not beaten us, time has not stopped us, the abuse and treason of enemies has not shaken us, for this Church was founded on a Rock.....a Rock that our forefathers fought for, prayed about, and sacrificed for the future generations. The Word has always been preached within these walls and will continue as long as we who remain remember the struggles of the past. It is our responsibility as the living to leave the same legacy for our next generation so that they can proclaim the goodness and the faithfulness of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May this Church, Parker's Chapel Missionary Baptist Church, stand in years to come as it has stood in the past: A living monument of a Savior who died that all men might live.
[Note: Appreciation to Georgia Staten for this history.]
Services are held each Sunday with Sunday School at 9 a.m., Worship at 10:00 a.m. Wednesday night Bible Study starts at 6:30 p.m.
The Church underwent a major renovation in 2017.